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You are not alone

ItÂ’s crazy how people change their lifeÂ’s so quickly
Especially you, because you were always so picky

I see you stoned at night,
And I hear you cry when its light

I know you have a lot of pain
When you walk alone trhough the rain

But you know you donÂ’t have to be alone,
Please my dear, Listen and come to home

We used to play with BarbieÂ’s and stuff,
Having so much fun with fake tattooÂ’s on our arms

DonÂ’t let mommy see it,
Because see keeps telling that you are allergic to it.

And when she asked how the red spots came on your skin
You looked quiet down, and only give her a grin

Then she knew we had fun, she took the aid kit
And put a soothing ointment on your arm

We were used to let your pain disappear,
But now when we try, you say “leave me alone, I got my own gear”

We always had so much, laughter
Lets keep this begind, and start a brand new chapter
What is the fun of using this stuff, Feeling happy for only 10 minutes
I will continue help you to win this

I can give you a nice feeling , And not only for 10 minutes,
Just as long as you stay with me at this

There will be a beautiful sound surrounding you
And my arms will be around you

Holding you warm, you will going to feel the rhythm of my heart
You can feel it right through your shirt

you donÂ’t need this, itÂ’s in your brains
Keep the stuff out of damn veins

If you feel alone and you canÂ’t stand this world, even when you are on you highest
Speak with some beloved, but donÂ’t hide in the dark of the world widest .

You have to know, my door is standing always open for you , because I love you

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