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Don't cry any more

I woke up in the darkness
blinded by the moon
she was so beautifull
shining whole as one

everyone was sleeping
in the peacefull night
but my heart was so afraid
and full of fright

my heart my heart
cried of being alone
my heart my heart
felt als broken in two

I wandered why
its so hard to change
how to get yourself
back in shape

I wander why love
had to come and go
why I am walking
dressed in black in snow

my heart my heart
is full of memories
my heart my heart
is full of me and you

still there is an answer
as I ask it to the moon
in the silence I hear
the wind whispers
dont you cry no more

my heart my heart
I wil never need to hide
I will never walk alone
with you on my side

still there is an answer
as I ask it to the light
in the silence I hear
a voice of might

dont cry anymore
in the name of Love.

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