Een gedicht plaatsen?

Read your mind-What are you thinking?

I got feelings for you..
There are some things that I don't understand..
What are your thinking?
We don't talk every day..
You don't say all the romantic things that I want to hear from you..
What are we?
You don't answer my questions..
What do you want?
You don't treat me how I want to be threaten all the time..
When I'm with you I feel great..
To feel your lips on mine and your moves are delicious..
You make me laugh..
I love to see you smile..
Everything you say in my mind I try to figure it out if it's the truth or a lie..
I don't always trust you need to protect myself from hurt..
You are continue on my mind..
What are you doing and do you think about me to?
What are you thinking?
What do you feel?
I need to let it go..
Think healthy..
Think wise..
Think smart..
Nothing compare to what I worth..

Ingezonden door Abigail

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